Today’s seniors have found a great place to socialize, learn, and grow – the public library! Libraries are community centers, offering free opportunities for seniors to connect with their peers. Seniors can take advantage of a variety of classes which cover topics like hobbies, finances, and health. Books, eBooks, magazines, free computers and Internet access are also available for enjoyment, personal growth and keeping in touch with family. Kentucky’s public libraries. Every day. Every age.
Students – public and private school, homeschoolers and college – the public library is the place for you! Take advantage of Kentucky Virtual Library databases to do research. Books and free computer and Internet use are available, as well as homework assistance. Librarians are a great resource to help with research and identifying reliable information. Libraries also offer language learning programs, and you can practice taking tests like the ACT. Kentucky’s public libraries. Every day. Every age.
We live in a digital age, and this century’s hottest commodity is information. But with so much out there, where do you start? Simple: with a visit to your local public library. We have professionals on staff to help you access the most up-to-date information in whatever format you need. And there’s no charge. Give us a call, or pay us a visit. Got questions? We’ve got answers! Kentucky’s public libraries. Every day. Every age.
Food. Water. Shelter. Beyond those basic, getting good, reliable information is the best way to improve your quality of life, and your local public library is the best source for that information. Find answers to your questions, go online and make connections, and check out a wealth of other resources available to you at no cost. Visit your local public library – make your world a better one today. Kentucky’s public libraries. Every day. Every age.