Direct Impact Award


To celebrate the positive impact of front-line/circulation interactions. Honoring the exceptional skills and daily compassion in every-day patron interactions where employees create opportunities to go above and beyond by recognizing, identifying, and resolving patron needs efficiently and effectively. The consistent positive impact this can have on the reputation and credibility of a Public Library is intangible but wholly evident. This award endeavors to give these efforts the weight and recognition they deserve.

KPLA Award Nomination Form


The nominee must have held the position placing them in direct contact with the public for at least 1 year and shown:

  • Exception Customer Service Skills
  • Able to solve problems with confidence and tact
  • Resourcefulness
  • Kindness
  • Enthusiasm for public library services
  • Patience


  • Nominations may be made by anyone employed in a library.
  • Nominations must include narratives of nominees’ accomplishments in the area of front line customer service.
  • The information and the quality of the application shall be the sole basis of selection. Any application not meeting the above criteria will be disqualified.
  • The winner of this award will receive one free year of membership to KPLA.
  • The KPLA Awards Committee will make the selection based on the above criteria.