Other Events

Positioning your library as a high-value community asset. Jay McChord President/CEO McChord Inc. KPLA logo.


This two-hour session builds off of the 101 foundational course, “The Minds & Motivations of Elected Officials,” to help attendees to develop specific “bridge-building” strategies for their libraries to be seen as high-value community resources. Immediate goodwill can be built (and leveraged) by positioning the library as “problem-solver” for the challenges facing elected leaders. Elected leaders need allies but generally do not see their public library as one. These sessions give insights on how to change that relationship.



  • Understanding your specific elected leaders and governmental bodies – county and city
  • Assessing “low-fruit” opportunities to build bridges
  • Assessing real problems local government is facing
  • Positioning your library in the role of “hero” and “problem-solver”
  • Developing a “hit list” for building relationships one elected official at a time
  • Replicable case studies of how to successfully achieve favorable votes
  • And much more!


If you want your library to be seen as a true community asset and want to develop stronger, more productive relationships with your elected leaders, this session is for you!


Please register using one of the following links:

Wednesday, August 30, 1-3 pm Central Time – Warren County Public Library https://kdla.wufoo.com/forms/kor9wp1dbxdqp/

Thursday, August 31, 10 am-12 pm Central Time – Marshall County Public Library https://kdla.wufoo.com/forms/k1hrcm8f0p3dl6e/

Wednesday, September 6, 1-3 pm Eastern Time – Madison County Public Library https://kdla.wufoo.com/forms/k69rs9b0ikpcjz/

Thursday, September 7, 10 am-12 pm Eastern Time – Johnson County Public Library https://kdla.wufoo.com/forms/kc66ylq0udl9pd/


The cost to attend is $10 per person. Please make checks out to KPLA and mail to:


Shannon Sandefur

Henderson County Public Library

101 S. Main St.

Henderson, KY 42420-3520


The training is open to all, regardless of KPLA membership status. Please share this invitation with any interested library staff members. Also, KDLA Commissioner and State Librarian, Denise Lyons, will attend each event to say hello and get your feedback.