
Resources and links to resources that we’d like to highlight to public libraries and librarians across the state. It is a work in progress.

Images for Facebook Profiles and Covers
Video PSAs

VIDEO PSA: Libraries are a Place of YES!

In fall 2011, KPLA commissioned a video showing the impact of libraries on the lives of Kentuckians. Please share this video on your own library’s website and Facebook pages.  We also hope that you’ll take the video with you to community events and group meetings, such as Rotary Club or Kiwanis meetings.

Video PSA series: Kentucky Public Libraries – Every Day, Every Age

In 2010, the Committee put together series of videos to promote the services of public libraries. The YouTube links listed below can be shared on social media sites or viewed online:

These broadcast-quality files can be downloaded directly by you for your library’s use or by a television broadcaster needing a high-quality video to air:

Legislative Day Video

PSA Scripts

These public service announcements have been developed to be used by libraries as they promote their services in their communities. Please feel free to use any or all of these PSAs for radio, website, or social media promotion.